Roo 29th May 2024

I have been constantly staggered by the sheer number of people that Dave knew. I would turn up at random parties or events across the country for unconnected individuals or groups and in would saunter Dave, commanding the attention of the room, greeting people by name – people who were delighted to see him again, as I was too. Dave had a rare gift of being a friend to everyone, exercising kindness and patience without ever, in my experience, expecting anything in return or using these friendships to his own advantage. Instead, his gift enabled him to be an encourager, a builder-up, exercised always with humility, genuine warmth and grace. I've never known anyone like him and I doubt I will again. But I am thankful to have been one of the throng of people who have spent a little time with him and considered him a friend. Go well, Dave, into your very great reward: enter into your rest.